22 June 2008

Universal search: Optimise across search vehicles

Jonny reviews how search engines globally are pulling content from multi-sensory (maps, images, videos, news, social networks, references sites) portals such as YouTube, New York Times, Bebo, Facebook, Trip Advisor, StumbleUpon, Yahoo! Answers and Flickr. Google and Yahoo! both demonstrate this trend with recent revamps of the search result interface, displaying rich media in preference for html links. Surf Merchant is now coming through for high volume search terms like "surfboards Ireland", but also for qualified searches such as "minimal", "latest surfboards" and "surfboard guide". Our involvement across these verticals must not be discounted for spring-boarding the website and its' associated marketing to dominance.

Observation proves that before long, real estate above-the-fold of search results is liable to be dominated by rich media together with sponsored listings. Google in particular is buying up the authority hubs across the verticals with fury. YouTube is in the bag, Google image is vast, Google and Yahoo! are getting into bed and Yahoo! has incredible network resources at its' disposal (Yahoo! Answers, Flickr, Yahoo! Mail). This finance is not to be squandered on trophy hunting. Ownership brings access to information, all of which will inevitably be fed back to the search user for "better" search experience and the holy grail of relevant search results. To stay on top of the page requires presence in these mediums. It also means we need to kneel to search engines insatiable thirst for data, that is permit access to our profiles. An example would be to link up our pay-per-click accounts to our analytics accounts, opening up internal data on site performance, so as that can feed back into keyword quality score, a result of which will be that CTR(click thru rate) will fall victim to click/website stickiness/lead ratios. The walls are being demolished, and best to be seen to be clean, local, up-to-date and on the brink of digital evolution.

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